Gender Equality and Inclusion in Water Resources Management

TitleGender Equality and Inclusion in Water Resources Management
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2017
Secondary TitleGlobal Water Partnership Action Piece
PublisherGlobal Water Partnership
Place PublishedStockholm
Key themesGender

This Action Piece outlines the key ingredients needed to support gender equality and inclusion in water resources management and sectoral water uses (including WASH), and provides recommendations on how to draw on these key ingredients. The findings that emerged from interviews and a High-Level Meeting for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in IWRM (integrated water resources management) are structured around four action areas to drive gender equality and inclusion: 1) Institutional leadership and commitment; 2) Gender and inclusion analysis that drives change; 3) Meaningful and inclusive participation in decision-making and partnerships; and 4) Equal access to and control of resources. The aim of this Action Piece is to demystify how organisations can take initial and necessary steps towards increasing gender equality. It is also a call to action and confirms the commitment of the Global Water Partnership to promote and champion gender equality in water resources management.


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